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A galaxy platform for simple and reproducible gene set analysis of omic data


Option 1. Website:

Galaxy-GSA Web Portal

Need some help?

1. What is Galaxy? Click here.
2. How to use Galaxy-GSA? Click here.
3. A list of the tools available inside Galaxy-GSA? Click here.


Option 2. Containers and Virtual Machines:

Docker Image: If you work with Docker, find the instructions to install a Docker image here.

Virtual Machine: If you use VirtualBox or other VM, find a Galaxy-GSA appliance here.

Need some help?

If you are a new user and need help on how to install and use Docker, check here.

If you are a new user and need help on handling Virtual Machines:
1. Installing a Virtual Machine
2. Importing and exporting VMs
3. Installing Galaxy in a Virtual Machine


Option 3. Individual tools:

If you have your own Galaxy instance, it is easy to download the individual tools we have generated. Either search for the tool names in this list, or go to the Galaxy Toolshed, then select and download the desired tools.

Need some help?

If you need help to install your own Galaxy instance and get tools from the toolshed:
1. Installing Galaxy in a Virtual Machine
2. Installing tools from the toolshed

GSA Central, 2022

Last updated: May 12th, 2022